So what's your opinion on coupons? Do you use them? I have several friends that talk about how they wish they could save money for this or that, but when I ask them if they use coupons, some roll their eyes...And some say they don't have the time....Whoa wait a sec...If you have time to complain about not having money for this or have time to clip some coupons!! Coupon-ing is FREE MONEY...Did you hear me out there?? FREE MONEY!! And of all the things people like getting for free, isn't it money? If you don't know where to start...pick up a sunday paper or look up My favorite place to find the best deals and all the access to coupons in the paper or online, is or These women and amazing! I have tossed around the idea of sharing my ideas and posting pictures...and I will as long as people understand my sole purpose in doing so, is not to brag, but to show you what kind of deals and sales are out there and that yes its totally possible to walk out of a store making money not spending money! I'm here to help you and encourage you!
So I have had a stash of coupons that I have been collecting and every so often I go through them to see what's about to expire. I realized I had several that were expiring this month, so it was time to get them used. I went into Target knowing I would not be spending anything except $0.25, because all my coupons were for Free items as long as I stayed below a certain amount. I had earned 2 coupons for Free huggies pull-ups jumbo packs, 2 Free coupons for Pampers jumbo pack diapers or pants, 2 Free coupons for Pampers wipes, 3 Free Suave Professional line products, then I had 2 $1-off Any tide, 1 $0.75-off any tide, $1-off pampers wipes, 2 $1-off Any pampers diapers and a $5 Gift Card with any $50 purchase. Totally to my surprise when I walked down the diaper isle are tags that read...Purchase 3 qualifying huggies or pampers jumbo wipes or diapers and receive a $5 Gift Card...MONEYMAKER!! Since I knew I was already buying 5 qualifying packs I decided to spend a little out of pocket get one more pack and get 2 $5 Gift Cards...Still following?? My total before coupons $101.05....After coupons and coupon overage, $12.14 and I got 3 $5 Gift Cards! So I think, Man people who don't want to coupon would really rather pay $101.05 instead of $12.14?? NOT ME! You might be wondering how I obtained all these FREE coupons...I watch my 2 coupon Bloggers!! They post tons of opportunities to get in on great deal and possible giveaways. All of my Freebies were not expected. I took a chance, entered contests, signed up for rewards programs and I am definitely reaping the wards of my efforts. Take the time to save and cut some coupons. I'm not an extreme couponer, in fact I have a messy system and I'm pretty unorganized, and even I can do it! Happy Couponing!!