I wish I could take all the credit for the crafts I'm posting, but I have other bloggers to thank for some of my ideas!! I will however take credit for the Green Flip Flops I Re-Fashioned into one of a kind Fancy Footwear!! Talk about a cheap craft! I used an old shirt, thread, hot glue, fabric, and the flip flops were just $2.50 at Old Navy!! I had a great time catching up with my cousin Mariha. Trust ME...I LOVE crafting all by myself, but I love sharing my ideas with other people too. Even more fun when we're sharing giddy giggles back and forth as our flip flops come together! I started this craft while my daughter Lainey was awake and I was getting super stressed out. CONFESSION TIME...I put Lainey down a whole hour early so I could craft in peace and quiet! Don't judge!! You would have done the same thing!! Crafting is so relaxing once my baby is asleep! Well, check out these beauties and go get busy making a pair of your own!
Shabby Blog
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
So You Think You Can Craft
Well, my first Craft Night didn't turn out the way I had imagined it, but it wasn't a total bust. My really wonderful friend Bergann showed up and we had an amazing night. It was totally relaxing! Lainey went to sleep without a peep! We enjoyed a fresh squeezed vanilla lemonade(lemons came from Bergann's tree) bar with raspberries, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, pineapples, lemons, and mangos. YUM-O! AND...Trader Joe's salt water taffy. We revamped our shoes bye up-cycling them with fabric. All you need is shoes, paper towels, pen, pins, fabric, mod podge, sponge brush, plate, tape, and an exact-o knife....OR for the ones I made tonight...just shoes, mod podge, sponge brush, cup and lot of GLITTER!! Our shoes turned out so cute and they look like we bought them this way! I'm in love wit my new shoes!
TA-DAH!!!! Its so hard not to fall in love with these beauties!! Hope to see MORE friendly faces at the next So You Think You Can Craft!!(night) Mark your calendars, because I've got a great craft planned for Saturday August 20th at 7pm. I'll be partnering with my sweet funny friend Debbi Tovsrud who is having much success with Arbonne. Come check out what she has to offer and Craft the night away!! Its relaxing, no pressure to buy, good ol' fashion fun!! Happy Crafting!!
TA-DAH!!!! Its so hard not to fall in love with these beauties!! Hope to see MORE friendly faces at the next So You Think You Can Craft!!(night) Mark your calendars, because I've got a great craft planned for Saturday August 20th at 7pm. I'll be partnering with my sweet funny friend Debbi Tovsrud who is having much success with Arbonne. Come check out what she has to offer and Craft the night away!! Its relaxing, no pressure to buy, good ol' fashion fun!! Happy Crafting!!
Warning...this post is crappy!!
My sweet baby has been under the weather...although I've never heard of anyone being above the weather...In the past when Lainey's been sick, she's had diarrhea first then vomiting...she's got a cold and runny poop now, so I'm praying she ate something that upset her tummy and that its JUST a cold!!...I just put her back to bed and she seemed way more chipper! I think I would be too after sleeping most of the day...Sometimes I have to just laugh at motherhood! Never in a million years, did I think I would ever pray for poop that isn't mine and certainly not the consistency. That's life as a MOM, sometimes its a crappy job! I love my bug and hope she feels better in the morning!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Up-Cycle your shoes!!
Did you know you can Mod Podge your shoes too?!?! Seriously you can Mod Podge anything! I saw this up-cycle idea on Diary of Dave's Wife(blog) not too long ago and I just had to try it! I love all my shoes the way they are so I was on the hunt for thrift store shoes I could Kileyfi! I went to 4 thrift stores and came out empty handed...fail!! While browsing through Target just a few days ago, I came across 2 pairs of shoes that were each $6. They were not shoes I would have bought normally, but I thought if I made them my own, I would totally wear them. So with paper towels, fabric, Mod Podge, paint brush, sharp exacto knife, and lots of patience...this is what I came up with!!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Vegan VS. Uhhh...NOT!!
So after having tried vegan homemade ice cream on Sunday, I thought my taste buds might not ever be the same. It was pretty FOWL!! I love the idea of being Vegan-ish, and having more of a plant base diet. Cutting out GMO's and TF's and MSG, but some things are better off not messed with...Like REAL Ice Cream!! I love me some Happy California Diary Cows!! MOOoooooooooo! So I was sifting through A LOT of fun blogs, when I came across one about homemade ice cream. After my experience on Sunday, I was definitely on a mission to make my own homemade ice cream, one that I wouldn't throw away or want to spit out. Its soooo EASY!! On Friday's where I live, a group of my neighbors get together for dinner and play time with the kids. I gave it a name...Friday Feast with Friends. It really is a FEAST!! Eli said tonight..."We have more food than people..." I said, "Its time to recruit more friends!" After, grilled chicken, grilled corn, veggie kabobs, chicken sausage, Korean Boul Gogi(BBQ Beef), rice and corn cakes...we roasted marshmallows and got busy making our own vanilla ice cream! Here's the instructions and recipe!!
Homemade Ice Cream
In a sandwich or quart size bag mix:
1/2 teaspoon vanilla(Any flavor extract is fine)
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 Cup Half & Half or 1 Cup Heavy Cream(We mixed the two...cream makes it richer!)
get out most of the air, zip shut, and mix with fingers to dissolve sugar.
In a gallon size bag add:
Ice cubes half way in the bag
Pour 1/2 cup Ice Cream Salt Rocks over the ice(I found mine at savemart for less than $2)
Put your small bag inside the big bag, zip it shut, and start shaking and moving the ice around the bag with cream in it. In about 5 min you will have yummy ice cream. Shake longer if you want your ice cream stiffer. Then we added fresh Strawberries to our ice cream! YUM-O!!
Homemade Ice Cream
In a sandwich or quart size bag mix:
1/2 teaspoon vanilla(Any flavor extract is fine)
2 Tablespoons sugar
1 Cup Half & Half or 1 Cup Heavy Cream(We mixed the two...cream makes it richer!)
get out most of the air, zip shut, and mix with fingers to dissolve sugar.
In a gallon size bag add:
Ice cubes half way in the bag
Pour 1/2 cup Ice Cream Salt Rocks over the ice(I found mine at savemart for less than $2)
Put your small bag inside the big bag, zip it shut, and start shaking and moving the ice around the bag with cream in it. In about 5 min you will have yummy ice cream. Shake longer if you want your ice cream stiffer. Then we added fresh Strawberries to our ice cream! YUM-O!!
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